Santiago de compostela


Santiago de Compostela is located in the Northwest of Spain. The climate is Atlantic with a daily temperature mean range of 5-25 ºC. The monthly rainfall mean range are between: 23-141 mm. The population of the city is 97,800 people with a  density: 442 people per km2. The urban catchment size is 220 km2 and the related water bodies are: Ulla, Tambre and Umia river basins.

Santiago Case Study (CS) aims to address diffuse pollution monitoring and modelling at urban catchment level. Through WATERUN, Santriago CS will implement and validate Urban Water Runoff (UWR) treatment by 3 Green Infrastructures (GI) in the specific area of the Tambre industrial park (1.2 km2, 450 enterprises, see pictures below), which is provided with separated sewer without any treatment of the UWR generated.

Waterun CS Santiago

Over the course of the project, Santiago CS will demonstrate innovative modelling studies and tools to facilitate the UWR management in cities with Atlantic climate conditions and residential/industrial land use and validation of new GI for efficient treatment of diffuse contaminants from UWR.

The related Key Performance Indicators are:

  • 10 m3/d of UWR will be treated by a bioremediation treatment train achieving a removal of 70% of PAH, microplastics and nitrogen; 60% of heavy metals
  • 2 log-units of pathogens 9000 m3/y of UWR will be reused by 2 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
  • Creation of 1 Local Stakeholder Board (LSB)
  • Validation of the identification tool at the urban catchment level in Aarhus CS
  • Validation of the planning tool in 2 districts


WATERUN key activities involving Santiago CS are listed in the following table:

CS Santiago activities

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