WATERUN communication strategy - Work Package 6

OiEau is a non-profit association established under French law. Its main objective is to develop skills for better water management in France, in Europe and around the world.

Since its creation in 1991, OiEau has built partnerships and implemented actions with its customers centred on neutrality, general interest and public action. OiEau’s customers and partners – local authorities, industrial companies, institutional stakeholders, development and water agencies, public and private operators, higher education and research institutions and more – seek its support in addressing the complex challenges they face. Over the decades, OiEau has developed a solid expertise in setting up and running projects with European funding, including calls for projects on Research and Innovation programmes.

Within WATERUN, OiEau is responsible for WP6, dealing with exploitation, dissemination and communication. These activities have been defined in the first version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan, one of the first deliverables of the project.

In this document the 4 key questions are adressed:

  1. The “For who?” question was addressed by asking all partner’s organisations to fullfill an on-line survey to get a first insight of the profiles of each targeted audience.
  2. The “What?” question has necessitated a change of perspective that could be labelled as “put the targeted audiences’ shoes on”.
  3. The “How?” question being treated by OiEau : branding and visual identity were defined, then website, social medias, communication material and templates were elaborated.
  4. The “When?” question was adressed by defining an overall plan for communication and dissemination activities. The dissemination and communication activities will progressively move from the promotion of the project’s key objectives to the replicability of the project’s results and outcomes.



WATERUN communication objectives (OiEau, 2022)


To know more about the project don’t hesitate to consult WATERUN website or to contact Natacha AMORSI or Mélanie FAYET, both in charge of the project at OiEau.

Mélanie FAYET, OiEau, m.fayet@oieau.fr
Natacha AMORSI, OiEau, n.amorsi@oieau.fr


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